Saturday, October 13, 2012

Can Anything Good Come from Nazareth?

This morning we visited Cana in Galilee where Jesus turned water into wine. It is also the home of Nathaniel, who was one of the twelve that was brought to Jesus by Phillip. (John 1:45-51) It was Nathaniel who when he first heard about Jesus asked, "Can anything good come from Nazareth?"

Not only did some good come from Nazareth, but something beyond our wildest imagination. It was like the wine at the wedding feast in Cana. The head waiter was surprised by the great quality of the wine that had been water. This is an image of the amazing things God can draw out of us when we, "Do whatever he tells you."(John 2:5)

Cana Church Sign

Father David in front of the altar at Cana Church

At Mass in the Church in Cana we prayed for all married couples and all couples who are preparing for marriage. In a special way we prayed in thanksgiving for our parents' marriages which have shaped us and shown us the generous love that allowed us to respond to God's call.

Front of the Church in Cana

After Cana we traveled to Nazareth to the Basilica of the Annunciation and St. Joseph's workshop.

Annunciation Church

Annunciation Church dome

The name "Nazareth" comes from a Hebrew word which means "to blossom". The dome of the Church of the Annunciation is built to resemble an upside down lily.


Grotto of Mary's House

Our guide explained that it is through Mary (who is sometimes called a lily) that the "Light of the World" passed through and became flesh on earth. The church has a lower level where the grotto of Mary's house has been preserved. The church is built over the top of where they believe Mary's house sat (left).

We gathered in the lower level to pray the joyful Mysteries of the rosary. We then had the opportunity to visit the rest of the upper basilica as well as the church of St. Joseph which is nearby. A few blocks away is the synagogue (see below) where Jesus first preached on the book of the prophet Isaiah. (Luke 4: 16-30).

Synagogue Icon

It was truly amazing to be able to walk through the streets of Jesus's hometown and visit the places that would have been an important part of his life.

As wonderful as the time in Nazareth was, you did not have to look hard to see the present tension between Islam and Christianity.

Islamic Sign

This sign was erected next to the Basilica of the Ascension as a challenge to anyone who did not follow Islam. Our guide has been teaching us words in Arabic and Aramaic each day of our trip. Today's word was Salaam which means peace.

After Nazareth we drove to the shore of the Mediterranean Sea where Mt. Carmel meets the Sea. Here we were able to enter the cave where the prophet Elijah hid after his confrontation with the prophets of Baal. (Below)

Elijah's Cave

This was the birthplace of the Carmelite order. In each location we have been able to read the scriptures that relate to that place and take time in prayer.

Father David in front of Elijah's Cave

Sunrise over the Sea of Galilee
It is hard to absorb all that we have seen in only one day. I cannot imagine what lies ahead...

Peace and Goodness,

Father David

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