Tuesday, August 21, 2012

100 Kilometers to Go!


  1. Your pilgrimage is and will be worth the effort. The Lord guides "our feet into the way of peace."

  2. Hey David, Keep on Keepin' on :)
    Nearly there and no more climbs, enjoy the last few days on the Way.
    Vincent from Dublin, we walked a little together in the early stages and strolled the streets of Pamplona, seems like months ago now. I got an Email from Chris from Virginia who just arrived in Santiago this evening.

  3. As you place one foot in front of the other again and agian and agian, it becomes the norm. Think not of how far but only the next step. Then when you arrive at your destination, what a revalation, joy, accomplishment it will be. Is not our "journey" here on earth much like your pilgramage? And along your way, I like the Gospel after Easter when the Diciples were walking along talking about our Risen Lord and not recognizing Who they were talking to. I am sure when you have company, your thought and words are of joy, just as the Diciples back then. May your load be light and your heart ful of joy.
    Peace & Blessings, Gene


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