Wednesday, August 8, 2012


After Burgos we entered the dreaded "Meseta". This is the central plateau region of Spain. It is vast open areas without shade or towns. As you walk, you are surrounded by wheat as far as the eye can see in any direction.

The concha or the shell of Santiago that all of the pilgrims carry with them is also a symbol of baptism. Most churches use this shell to pour water over the person being baptized.

In baptism you have to first die to yourself so that you can rise with Christ. The Meseta is the desert place where pilgrims die to themselves. The landscape helps to prepare the pilgrim to be emptied out. There is nothing to look at. It is too hot to stop walking and you have uninterrupted hours of time to review your life.

After walking more than 30 kilometers through the Meseta with temperatures in the high 90's I was ecstatic to see a town appear. At the entrance to the town was a well. Next to the well was a private residence with a wall around it and a gate facing the path.

Seraphim (in hat) Our Host

Poolside at Seraphim's villa
Nacho was about ten minutes ahead of me and had started a conversation with the owner of the house. He invited our group to stay with him for the night.

As I walked through the gate I heard music playing and I saw the garden that surrounded the pool. It is important to know that the owner's name was Seraphim. Yes, like the angel!

Seraphim had food and drinks waiting for us and invited us to relax. After we had all arrived and rested a while, Nacho cooked dinner while Seraphim cared for the blisters and sores on the feet of some of our group.

It was during dinner that Seraphim taught us about the important qualities of a pilgrim. Humility, patience and adaptation.

We had not planned to stop in Boadilla because there was only one hostel and it was likely full, but we were exhausted from the day and many in our group were developing injuries. We needed rest and a good meal and out of the wasteland appeared an angel.

The next morning there was fruit, coffee and rolls set out and waiting for us, but we could not find Seraphim. We had to leave without saying goodbye. He had first told us the qualities and then showed us the qualities of a true pilgrim. It will not be forgotten.

1 comment:

  1. Very powerful and touching imagery you've painted with your words, El Padre!

    Then he lay down and went to sleep. Then all of a sudden an angel touched him and said, 'Get up and eat.' 1st Kings, 19:5


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