Thursday, August 23, 2012

So Close and Yet So Far

Today, I entered the town of Arzua, Spain which is about 40 kilometers from Santiago de Compostela. As I walked today I found it hard to believe that I am almost to the end of the Camino. Every day the focus has been on walking and trying to be present to whatever the day might bring.

Each day has challenged me and strengthened me to be more open to the amazing presence of God. One of the churches I stopped into today epitomized this daily challenge. In it was a crucifix with Jesus reaching down from the cross to take our hand.

The girl in the church who was stamping pilgrim credentials encouraged me to put my hand in His. The way the crucifix is positioned on the wall made it necessary to reach up to hold His hand. As I did so it was impossible to not look up into his face. It was one of so many times in the last month that I was immediately aware of the depth of God's love for us.

Five minutes later I was back on the Camino and finding myself more and more irritated by the cyclists that would come buzzing past the walkers ringing their bells as if they owned the trail. At one point I thought about just staying in the middle of the path and not moving when the next cyclist came by. Then I thought again about the crucifix. I probably should have held on to His hand longer.

It seems like some lessons have to be learned over and over again.

Tomorrow I will walk to Lavacolla which is only 10 kilometers from Santiago. This will allow me to make it into Santiago in time for the noon pilgrim Mass. In Medieval times, pilgrims would stop at the stream at Lavacolla to wash and purify themselves before entering the Holy city of the Apostle.

I need all of the help I can get so I will stop as well.

Peace and Goodness,



  1. "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life."

  2. Your pilgrimage has been amazing to watch. Well . . . watch is not accurate, because you have carried us with you, every step. Every day, Jennine and the girls comment on where you are on the journey. Please know that our hearts have been with you- every step.
    The Smiths

  3. We are so excited for you that you are almost at Santiago de Compostela! You have no idea how much your journey has meant to us, and how we have followed along with you. You have been in our prayers each day, and we can’t wait to see you and hear the stories of your adventure. You have no idea how much you are loved and how much we rejoice with you on this accomplishment. May the rest of your journey bring you much peace and love! Faerie and Ed

  4. My heart and "hands" are with you, wishing to be walking alongside you as well. Your telling us about the journey is almost as if we are with you. Not far to go and so much achieved. As the remianing distance becomes smaller does the "reward" grow inversely proportinate? The value of all the people and places is invaluable.
    God speed.
    Peace & Blessings, Gene


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