Sunday, August 19, 2012

Carry That Weight

Why would you carry extra weight when you do not have to?

Today I walked to the top of Mount Irago in the darkness so that I could watch the sunrise on La Cruz de Ferro (The Iron Cross).

Over the years, pilgrims have carried a rock from home to symbolize something or things that they wanted to leave behind on the way.

Some people have been carrying the pain of losing a loved one...


others feel the weight of a relationship that fell apart.

Some seek forgiveness.

It is not always easy to tell what is weighing another person down.

Sometimes there are so many things weighing us down that we can't even begin to name them.

Pilgrims leave their rock at the cross as a prayer to have the weight lifted from them.

It takes courage and faith to let go of the things that weigh us down.

It is appropriate that we leave whatever weighs us down at the foot of the cross because there is no weight that we have to carry alone.

  The cross is God's answer to our burdens. When we are free from our burdens, we are free to love.

Peace and Goodness,


1 comment:

  1. Wow, what a beautiful, moving summary. When I hike i usually bring back a small rock or stone from the peak of my journey. I think that can work both ways. I will take a stone to leave and take a stone to remember. I just began my "subscription" to the blog. Your earlier postings are just as moving. Wish I were wlaking with you. Peace & blessings, Gene


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