Monday, August 27, 2012

Prayer of La Faba

Although I may have traveled all the roads, crossed mountains and valleys from east to west,
if I have not discovered the freedom to be myself,
I have arrived nowhere.

Although I may have shared all of my possessions with people of other languages and cultures,
made friends with Pilgrims of a thousand paths,
or shared Albergue with saints and princes,
if I am not capable of forgiving my neighbor tomorrow,
I have arrived nowhere.

Although I may have carried my pack from beginning to end and waited for every Pilgrim in need of encouragement, or given my bed to one who arrived later than I, given my bottle of water in exchange for nothing, if upon returning to my home and work, I am not able to create brotherhood or make happiness, peace and unity,
I have arrived nowhere.

Although I may have had food and water each day and enjoyed a roof and shower every night,
or may have had my injuries well attended,
If I have not discovered in all of that the love of God,
I have arrived nowhere.

Although I may have seen all of the monuments and contemplated the best sunsets,
although I may have learned a greeting in every language or tasted the clean water from every fountain;
if I have not discovered who is the author of so much free beauty and so much peace,
I have arrived nowhere.

If from today I do not continue walking on your path, searching and living according to what I have learned;
If from today I do not see in every person, friend or foe, a companion on the Camino;
If from today I cannot recognize God, the God of Jesus of Nazareth as the one God of my life,
I have arrived nowhere.


  1. Now the journey begins. Rome lies before you, Buen Camino!

  2. Padre David, Congratulations! I am soo happy for you, achieving your journey, hugging the statue of St. James, (I'm sure he felt your hug in Heaven, all pilgrams hugs) but most of all, cocelebrating Mass. Prayer of La Faba is beautiful, so meaningful. I too will try to live this prayer. My heart and prayers are with you and I wish I was there as well. Reading your postings is almost as good. And now, soon, off to Rome. I am overwehlmed with you. I hope you will continue your posts when in Rome.
    Peace & Blesssings, Gene


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