Saturday, August 25, 2012

Entrance to Santiago

I was hoping for trumpets but the flute was a nice touch.


  1. Congrats!!! How did it feel coming around that last corner? :) pretty magical, huh?

  2. Your blog has been beyond words. I feel as though I have been on this journey with you (minus the aching feet and tired body). Thank you hardly says enough for sharing this journey with so many. Can't wait for Sunday! My prayers are with you. God bless.

  3. Father, you made it! Was there really any doubt that you would not go the distance? Congratulations! The Mass celebration must have been very special. Were you able to participate as a co-celebrant? I hope you are at peace in your heart and any anxiety has been washed away as was the dust form the path. Look forward to your return. Will you have a reutrn celebration Mass here? A slide show with breakfast?
    Peace & Blessings, Gene

  4. Congratulations on your successful journey... both physical and spiritual. Lia and I have been keeping you in our prayers and have been blessed in return by your wonderful stories from your travels along "The Way". Tell Rome "hello" from us when you get there.

    God Bless

    Mark + Lia

  5. Buen Camino! CONGRATULATIONS!
    Love, Geri and Joe

  6. Congratulations! God has given you another gift to share with everyone you encounter.


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