Thursday, July 19, 2012

Day one

Thunderstorms caused our plane to leave Knoxville 45 minutes late. I arrived in Philadelphia with barely enough time to make it to my gate. I was one of the last to board, but the bonus was that weather had affected many flights and so there were a lot of open seats on the plane(including my whole row).

Flying is always stressful, but from the first announcement in Knoxville that there was a weather event in the Northeast, I kept hearing the antiphon that appears in morning prayer every fourth week, "Trust in God and He will do everything for you."

That is a difficult antiphon to pray when everything seems to be going the wrong way, but now I find myself sitting in Lourdes, France at the end of a long travel day that has been guided by God all of the way. Tomorrow I will go to the shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes and I will be taking with me, all of those who are sick and in need of healing. I think of Lourdes Garza, Karin Botica and Tom O'Neil who are battling cancer. I think of my own family and friends who are in need of healing. And I remember all of the many names that people have given me to pray for.

Intercessory prayer is so little understood and yet so powerfully effective.


  1. I will keep ou in my prayers and follow you on your pilgrimage via your blog. Please keep our family in your prayers.

  2. He has some amazing plans for you on this trip...can't wait to see them unfold! Peace always Fr...:)


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