Saturday, July 28, 2012

Where in the world is Fr. David?

It has been several days since I have had a reliable Internet connection and so I have been unable to update the blog. I have traveled from Pamplona (July 24) to Cizur Menor (July 25) Puente de la Reina (July 26) to Estella (July 27) to Torres del Rio (July 28) to Logrono (July 29) where I have stopped for a tour of the Rioja wine country today (July 30).

Cathedral in Pamplona


Posing with Hikers Statue in Logronos
Con-Celebrating Mass

Church in Vianna

Self Portrait

Tough Climb Today

Logronos Cathedral
Entering Rioja! Wine Country
Hike from Torres to Logronos
I hope to share with you a few highlights of those days!

1 comment:

  1. Hello David, Where are you know ?? How are you doing ?? Still walking the camino ?? Nice picture in the church of Roncevalles :)!!! It was a nice time walking together, thanks for that !!
    Good look, Geera from Holland.


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